
Showing posts with the label A great man


How do you measure the stature, significance and supremacy of a man? Do you check his bank account, or his net worth? (Lawyers do.) Do you weigh his life’s work or his accomplishments in the world of business? Is he a famous actor, sports figure or entertainer? Does his name appear on buildings, build boards or buses? Can you remember his name better than the members of your own family? Who the heck is he, anyway? Look at the image above. Study it as if a college quiz was forthcoming at the end of this blog. Boxing gloves! He must be a famous boxer, whom you never heard of right? Check out the hairdo, facial hair and shirt. You can find nothing there to give away his identity, right? He was just a regular guy, by all counts. His name is and was Lewis Chester Brewer, (it should have been Bruster, but he came into the world through a different maternal portal. Darn those maternal portals!) He died in my arms, several years ago, coughing up blood, and gasping for air to the last few sec