
Showing posts with the label Cursing


Yes indeed, words are very powerful. They crawl into your mind through your open ears, and paint vivid, indelible images that force you to respond in kind. Even when these words are spoken with love and care, the sheer force and magnitude they bear overweighs your senses because they burrow so deeply into your psyche that no mine detector can scan them, until the inevitable explosion of emotions blows everyone away. Collateral damage cannot be avoided because without advanced warning, there is no place safe to run or hide. Be very careful with these verbal sappers. They will inevitably perform their intended mission once released from their orificial cage, and can never be drawn back in. Instead, whisper or rethink the words you choose before releasing them into the ether, where they go and do whatever their innate purpose decrees. Be especially vigilant around children and elders. Their tender ears and sensibilities are not equipped to deal with such an onslaught of profanity and ill