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DREAM MASTER: (How-to Control Your Dreams!)

  This is a simple, yet invaluable skill that I taught my children when they were very young. As you may have already read, I was plagued with incessant haunting as a child, especially in my dreams. My mother, bless her heart, tried to help me by placing scissors under my pillow, (Old Wives’ Tale; don’t ask)! That never worked. The first crutch that I employed did, however, work. Since Lady Bugs protected crops and plants from parasitic insects, why not protect me from horrific, night-terror creatures and demonic entities? Thus, the Lady Bug became my midnight, mystical savior that I called upon in my dreams to save me from spooks and spirits with ill intentions. However, as I mentioned, this was just a crutch, to help me hobble through my nightmares and bad dreams, not a permanent solution that would carry me beyond the strangling hold that “The Fort” had on me. My greatest asset, even as a child, was my innate problem-solving skill. I was a living, breathing, virtual thinking cap, an