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  Age is more than “just a number”, as the world says. Age is a testament to one's will and ability to stay relevant, strong, healthy, and wise in a world hell-bent on sending us to an early grave. In times gone by it was normal to see and interact with an octogenarian or even a centenarian, (my great-grandfather was only 82 when he passed.)  In Biblical times, (for those who believe), centuries were like decades, and those who lived long lives were viable until they expired. Today, anyone over ninety is usually feeble and must be cared for because their mental and physical faculties have waned to such a degree as to be infantile in scope. Some exceptional senior citizens have remained potent in every way imaginable, and are examples of what is possible for us all. When you cross the path of an elder, do not reflexively pity them or scoff blindly at their meager existence, instead bow or extend a show of reverence because they have paved the way for you to exist and behave in a man