
Showing posts with the label Life and death

The Bereavement Song

Love, death, and break-ups hit us like a ton of 90-year-old bricks, falling from a demolished brownstone apartment house. If we are strong enough and quick on our feet, we can survive the imminent danger of cascading bricks and debris by preemptively side-stepping the entire cataclysm with a hardened heart. However, hardening one’s heart carries its own harbingers of misery, such as isolation, loneliness, and eternal “singletude”, (Yes, I made that word up. You’ll get used to it.). Break-ups, divorces, and trial separations are easy compared to death. (There are plenty of songs and movies that soften that blow for you.) Death is Mighty Mike Tyson rushing you from across the ring, with nothing but “bad intentions” on his mind! Death sucks all of the oxygen out of your lungs; weakens your knees so you cannot stand; and makes you consume heavy volumes of tissue paper for your weeping eyes and runny nose. Yes, it hurts, but that is not all! The damage is irreversible and often recurring, l

About the Old Block

I am an old-school war veteran, with new-school ideas, and a burning desire for perpetual knowledge and life appreciation. (I was the CEO of Sew Wonderful Fashions, LLC; Vice President of New Power Source, Inc.; and I am currently Secretary of the Board with Tekura Jegnas, Inc., and I continue to write and design products at my leisure.) At my core, I am a "People Person", who focuses more on character than appearance or status. (I, myself was raised as a migrant worker, in the fifties.) I have an affinity for the elderly, who need selfless love and constant reinforcement, as well as youngsters, who require persistent guidance and tempered discipline. I am an internationally-published writer, former Hollywood stunt-fight coordinator, vocalist and spokesperson, and graphic artist. However, for this endeavor, I embody the persona of a consummate gamer, passionate husband and father, as well as a lover of beauty, (in all forms). I died in 2016, right after my long-awaited retire