About the Old Block

If death did not stop me, nothing can!

I am an old-school war veteran, with new-school ideas, and a burning desire for perpetual knowledge and life appreciation. (I was the CEO of Sew Wonderful Fashions, LLC; Vice President of New Power Source, Inc.; and I am currently Secretary of the Board with Tekura Jegnas, Inc., and I continue to write and design products at my leisure.) At my core, I am a "People Person", who focuses more on character than appearance or status. (I, myself was raised as a migrant worker, in the fifties.) I have an affinity for the elderly, who need selfless love and constant reinforcement, as well as youngsters, who require persistent guidance and tempered discipline. I am an internationally-published writer, former Hollywood stunt-fight coordinator, vocalist and spokesperson, and graphic artist. However, for this endeavor, I embody the persona of a consummate gamer, passionate husband and father, as well as a lover of beauty, (in all forms). I died in 2016, right after my long-awaited retirement. I had to learn to walk, talk, eat, drink, and remember who I was. I was returned to life by a diligent team of doctors and emergency personnel, but I lost myself in the process. Therefore, “life as I knew it” remained dormant for a number of years. I am back now and will continue to post my best thoughts, ideas, life lessons, and the most essential subjects my world has to offer. If you love sensual, intelligent, and powerful women; family and all of its intricacies and trappings, as well as the whole “ball of mess” that we lovingly call life, then welcome aboard as “The Old Block” tells all! Be warned, I do not bite my tongue when my most passionate subjects are on the table. Be hungry, and eat often.


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