
Showing posts with the label weight


Ladies, let no man tell you to change your appearance to conform to his ideal vision of beauty or sensuality. Do you look essentially the same way you did when he met you, (plus or minus a few pounds)? Are you pierced and/or tattooed? When you look in the mirror, does your reflection smile back at you and say, “Damn girl, you look good”? What is it that you do not like about where you are on the “beauty trail”? (Beauty is more of a voyage than a state of being.) What would you like to change before you reach journey’s end? Grow, cut, style, braid, or dye your hair to match the rainbow that caught your eye after the rain storm? Hit the gym and recapture those legs, hips, and thighs you used to rock in your twenties? Say it out loud; no scream into a pillow exactly how you feel about your presentation of beauty! (You do not wish to be committed to a mental facility for the weekend, because someone heard you cursing your thighs!) Cottage cheese looks great on a salad, but not so hot to a