
Showing posts with the label love and marriage


  Did I remember to tell you, “I love you” today? Did I plant 1000 kisses on your lips, cheeks, forehead, neck and shoulders today? Have I been the husband you deserve, all day? Have I kept you in my heart, thoughts and spirit when you briefly left my side? Do I buy you, (or let you buy), the things that make your heart sing the melody that only my heart can hear? Have I been faithful enough for you to brag about me to your family and friends? Do I perform the duties that a good and faithful husband should and must to keep your head from turning side to side, “looking”? Have I made my indelible spousal mark on you so well that other men can see it, sense it, (without looking at your ring finger)? When I do say, “I love you”, do you believe in your heart and soul that my words are true and unequivocally heartfelt? Do you hold me one step below God as I do you? Do you include me in your prayers in hopes of keeping your good and faithful husband by your side for all time? Do I make yo


  The wife and I just watched a celebrity “docu-series” about three pseudo-famous brothers and their bid to re-invigorate their music career; become closer together as brothers, and resolve a myriad of personal issues at home. One brother in particular, the unmarried one, (we will call him “TJ”), seemed to have the most trouble with his significant other. The wife and I empathized with him because of the stoic, nonchalant way his lady friend behaved every day. She seemed distant, unfeeling, and emotionless about everything that went on in the household. She did, however, appear to be a loving mother, but as a life partner, her actions and attitude made her seem less than desirable as a mate. She did not work or have any ambition, and refused to assist her man with any household concerns. After his tour abroad with his brothers, “TJ” decided to end his relationship with his long-time partner, but to his surprise, she wanted more. She admitted that she wanted to be married, (if not to