What are you afraid of? Just take the plunge, Dude!

 The wife and I just watched a celebrity “docu-series” about three pseudo-famous brothers and their bid to re-invigorate their music career; become closer together as brothers, and resolve a myriad of personal issues at home. One brother in particular, the unmarried one, (we will call him “TJ”), seemed to have the most trouble with his significant other. The wife and I empathized with him because of the stoic, nonchalant way his lady friend behaved every day. She seemed distant, unfeeling, and emotionless about everything that went on in the household. She did, however, appear to be a loving mother, but as a life partner, her actions and attitude made her seem less than desirable as a mate. She did not work or have any ambition, and refused to assist her man with any household concerns.

After his tour abroad with his brothers, “TJ” decided to end his relationship with his long-time partner, but to his surprise, she wanted more. She admitted that she wanted to be married, (if not to him; then someone else)! I gave this turn of events a great deal of thought and realized that her indifference was well founded. Think about it for a second or two. She was tired of being the faithful concubine, while her other “sisters-in-law” were lawfully wedded wives. She was the mother of his bastard child, and did not have any of the benefits of being married. (Solomon had 300 concubines, but he also had 700 wives!) “I object, your honor! Relevance?”

Some women “don’t give a nasty” about marriage! They prefer to maintain their independence, and make their own decisions and life choices. For every such woman, there are probably 25 such men! Most guys of this ilk exhibit “The Player” trait, but others of this brotherhood of bachelors are simply too afraid to take the plunge. What are they afraid of? Is marriage the precursor to death? Are they waiting for the “perfect partner”? The perfect moment? Having been married twice, and having had two other long-term relationships, I can understand their reluctance to a certain degree, but I do not support their thinking when it comes to marriage. I prefer to try and fail than to fail to try.


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