
Showing posts with the label live long and love always


  Did I remember to tell you, “I love you” today? Did I plant 1000 kisses on your lips, cheeks, forehead, neck and shoulders today? Have I been the husband you deserve, all day? Have I kept you in my heart, thoughts and spirit when you briefly left my side? Do I buy you, (or let you buy), the things that make your heart sing the melody that only my heart can hear? Have I been faithful enough for you to brag about me to your family and friends? Do I perform the duties that a good and faithful husband should and must to keep your head from turning side to side, “looking”? Have I made my indelible spousal mark on you so well that other men can see it, sense it, (without looking at your ring finger)? When I do say, “I love you”, do you believe in your heart and soul that my words are true and unequivocally heartfelt? Do you hold me one step below God as I do you? Do you include me in your prayers in hopes of keeping your good and faithful husband by your side for all time? Do I make yo


  I am “Fudima”, a mother and a powerful woman, infused with the innate gifts of The Almighty to bear children and rear them in the way I see fit. If you see me in a shopping mall chastising my offspring, look away. Unless you are seeking knowledge in child-rearing, mind your own business. Step back, “Mama Bear don’t play that sh*t! And Mama Bear don’t take no mess from her young ones!” I teach my children how to live long enough to teach their own children how to live long enough to teach their own. “Don't break the law!” I tell them, as I spank their little butts. Mama would rather issue 1,000 spankings a year, rather than see the police issue one fatal spanking to one of hers. “I can’t breathe!” I do not knock before entering my children’s rooms. I pay the rent. I buy the food. I put the clothes on my children’s backs. They knock on my door, and wait for my permission to enter! They do not give me “back-talk”, when I am correcting their inappropriate behavior or lack of manners.


  First, let’s explore what most people feel is the “upside” of cheating. Whether you are a man or a woman, if you are involved in a committed, monogamous relationship, (marriage or otherwise), any outside romantic incursions are considered cheating, (unless you have the contractual consent of your significant other; i.e. “open relationship”). If you kiss another person intimately, you have crossed the line, and are officially a cheater. (“Congrats on your demotion from the fold of the faithful!”) To a cheater, the upside of unfaithfulness is the extra, physical, emotional, psychological, and raw sexual attention the cheater is getting. Does the cheater feel sexually or emotionally neglected at home? Does the cheater seek to discover how desirable he or she is to the rest of the world? Is the cheater medically or psychologically aroused 24/7, and “required” to exercise their right to “get off” whenever the need arises? (“Got a note from your doctor?”) Is the cheater simply following


  If you look up “wife” in the Old Block Dictionary, you will find a photograph of CMB next to the word. CMB is the epitome of the word and the most exemplary definition of the word “wife”! We met online, at a now-defunct dating website called “Christian 2000”, back in 1998 or 1999, (hey, I am an old man and I cannot keep track of such things in my limited 2 terabyte memory bank)! CMB tells the story so much better than I do, but whose blog is this anyway? So, you will have to suffer through the Old Block version, until you meet CMB yourself. I developed a website with tons of photographs and classic examples of my impressive pedigree. I included a link to my website in the automated email that the website sent to CMB’s profile. She recounts that she had second thoughts about posting her desire for companionship online, and decided to close her online account shortly after logging in. However, several emails were sent to her before she could end her bid for online love. When she


  Discover your own heritage, and embrace it! If you fail to discover your own family roots you will inadvertently adhere to someone else’s roots, culture, and customs. We were all created for different climates, altitudes, and geographical locations. Our chemical makeup, complexions, and bone structure dictate our propensity to survive in a given situation or environment. Knowing this vital information can add years to your already-short existence. Other human cultures may appear more flamboyant or exciting than your own, prompting you to become someone or something that you are not. Be who and what you are, at all times. Avoid the urge to conform to the masses, simply to “fit in” with the crowd. I was often alone in school, college, and the military due to my non-conformist demeanor, but I was always happy being myself. Overseas, people, (mostly female people), gravitated to me because I never drank alcohol, rented an apartment in their neighborhoods, and learned enough of thei


  Age is more than “just a number”, as the world says. Age is a testament to one's will and ability to stay relevant, strong, healthy, and wise in a world hell-bent on sending us to an early grave. In times gone by it was normal to see and interact with an octogenarian or even a centenarian, (my great-grandfather was only 82 when he passed.)  In Biblical times, (for those who believe), centuries were like decades, and those who lived long lives were viable until they expired. Today, anyone over ninety is usually feeble and must be cared for because their mental and physical faculties have waned to such a degree as to be infantile in scope. Some exceptional senior citizens have remained potent in every way imaginable, and are examples of what is possible for us all. When you cross the path of an elder, do not reflexively pity them or scoff blindly at their meager existence, instead bow or extend a show of reverence because they have paved the way for you to exist and behave in a man