Love comes when you least expect it, not when you call!

 If you look up “wife” in the Old Block Dictionary, you will find a photograph of CMB next to the word. CMB is the epitome of the word and the most exemplary definition of the word “wife”!

We met online, at a now-defunct dating website called “Christian 2000”, back in 1998 or 1999, (hey, I am an old man and I cannot keep track of such things in my limited 2 terabyte memory bank)! CMB tells the story so much better than I do, but whose blog is this anyway? So, you will have to suffer through the Old Block version, until you meet CMB yourself.

I developed a website with tons of photographs and classic examples of my impressive pedigree. I included a link to my website in the automated email that the website sent to CMB’s profile. She recounts that she had second thoughts about posting her desire for companionship online, and decided to close her online account shortly after logging in. However, several emails were sent to her before she could end her bid for online love. When she saw the flood of emails, she read a few; then decided to delete them all, and proceeded to do so.

After this massive surgical email purging, there remained one steadfast and persistent email, which begged to be read. You guessed it. The Old Block’s email prevailed and penetrated CMB’s preemptive email strike, like a sniper bullet of love, aimed straight at her heart, (Sorry, too dramatic?) Anyway, she got my message and reluctantly responded.

We exchanged emails for a while; then graduated to phone calls that never ended. She was, (and still is), my “equal-opposite”! After a time she wanted to meet me in person, (IRL to you gamers out there), so we planned to do so, but there was one small hitch. When CMB was on Christian 2000, she assumed it was a local dating community, (she lived in New Orleans, Louisiana). When I agreed to rendezvous with CMB, I had to tell her that I lived in San Diego, California. (“Bubble Burst!”) She was heartbroken and disconcerted, instantly concluding that our long-distance relationship could never work.

Never doubt the resolve of the Old Block! I moved to New Orleans, married CMB, and after 10 years in Louisiana, returned to San Diego, with my bride. It has been 24-plus years since our fateful union. We continue to love, cherish, respect, and support each other. We never argue or fight, we simply agree to disagree and keep on loving each other through the disagreement. I take care of her; she takes care of me. She loves crunchy peanut butter and strawberry preserves; I love smooth, creamy peanut butter and grape jelly, but we both love to eat peanut butter sandwiches. (I like mine warmed a few seconds in the microwave; she likes hers cold.) Equal, but opposite!

My “Heavenly Father” created CMB just for me. He said, “To find a wife is a good thing.” Rest assured, I have found a “good thing” in CMB. (Even my heathen brother tells me so.)


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