
Showing posts with the label jail bait


  If you have been living under a rock with your favorite crustacean, you have no idea what “Jail Bait” is, (good for you). The world has gone mad; (not the angry kind of mad; the crazy kind of mad)! Little girls are growing up way too fast and offering the world something they don’t even realize how to properly use yet, (like a baby with a hand grenade)! Is there something in the water? The air? The food? Is it the fault of the microwave industry, (faster; sooner; hotter)? Is it television and the promiscuous commercials and reality shows that are being aired? Can we blame it on the internet, (the information super highway?) Do these invisible beams of data and gamma/beta rays stimulate hormonal growth in our youth? And does this mental/physical transformation cause “early-onset maturity” in the youngsters of the planet? Is it “babies making babies” as in the lack of mature grandparents, (over fifty years old)? What can a 29-year-old grandparent teach their grandchild about the world