
Showing posts with the label sensual woman

W.H.O.R.E. “Women Have Options Regarding Everything”

With a few obviously unfortunate and unavoidable events, that steal a woman’s choice, long before she can make it, (such as “Ravaging A Person Effortlessly”), women and girls can normally decide whether or not to relinquish their virtue, (or virginity, if it is the first time). Bad Boys will always apply unbearable pressure, and say anything and everything to get the key to that precious underground door, but the word “No!” is a locking mechanism that should deter a law-abiding Bad Boy from “kicking the door in”. It is the snake that must be avoided at all costs. Never be alone with a cold-blooded viper, without your pet mongoose, (pepper spray, stun gun, switchblade, or combat boots)! Vipers do not adhere to the laws or morals of mankind. How could they? They are not human. Vipers live under rocks and in burrows or tall grass in and out of your home. You must learn the patterns of their movements, speech, and subtle actions to avoid becoming their unwilling victim. They tend to go


  Let us take a scientific approach to discovering what beauty really is. (Ladies only--guys are just spectators on this trip.) What is it that spells beauty to you? When you look in the mirror do you instantly recognize the formula for great looks? Do you require a second opinion to make up your mind about what you have discovered? Do you seek the aid of cosmetics to create the illusion of beauty? Are you naturally endowed with the classic features that you have come to know as the traits and characteristics of beauty? Has anyone who has not seen you naked or in a state of undress, raved about your natural, awe-inspiring attractive features? What were their words exactly? Do you remember each syllable, or were you caught up in the attention you were getting? Some people say, “Beauty is only skin deep.” However, it has been my experience that beauty starts within and cannot be contained by skin. It shines through, regardless of what a woman is wearing, (or not wearing). Beauty igno


  It is more than just a mathematical equation. If we as husbands could solve, dissolve, and resolve the “if factor” in those magnificent creatures that we are so blessed to call “wife”, we could discover every wonderful woman in the world in just one person. At one time, the number of women in the world eclipsed the number of men by a large margin. Today, that is not so. Players and Playboys had their pick of the litter back then, and built unsanctioned harems of internationally beautiful women all over the planet. There are still a few clusters of “Ballers”, “Players” and “Playboys” in circles that we regular guys do not and cannot infiltrate, because of financial illness. (Luckily it is not yet a terminal illness.) The sexual climate has changed drastically since those days and has evolved into something that challenges the legal, moral, and social systems to keep up or be trampled under the stampeding hooves of carnal insurrection. Gone are the days of men only seeking women as sex


  Allow me to introduce you to a self-made queen of artistic and sensual photo-play! Without mentioning her name, (which starts with a “V” ironically), I can tell you that she is an extremely busy wife and mother, who involves her entire family in her unabashed, unambiguous, and ultra-creative photography empire, which also includes multi-media art. With Russian roots, come certain standards and customs that might seem a bit forward to the average American. (Many American and South American men venture to Russia to find such a precious bride. I once served as an agent to connect these Western gentlemen with their future wives, and wrote an article about the problem with Russian men and their favorite libation.) Russian life, especially for women, can begin at a very tender age, although most modern Russian women wait to start a family after completing their college degrees. What might seem promiscuous in Western eyes is considered natural in Soviet and Eastern Bloc countries. Russi

Big Girls Need Love Too!

Some people say, “More to love”. Some say, “More cushion for the pushing”, but the bottom line is that some big girls are merely pretty little girls, trapped in big girl bodies that need loving too. There are many reasons why big girls have become chubby. We will not delve into the science behind those conditions here, however we will reinforce the statement that “Big Girls Need Love Too!” How she got here is not relevant to the overriding fact that her mind, body and spirit need to be fed something other than food! I vote for love! Love is intangible and cannot nor will not fit on a plate. Anyone, (human or otherwise), is capable of giving and receiving the benefits of love. Love is a small gesture, like a pebble in a pool that makes a significant splash for its size, and leaves an imperceptible footprint that can only be measured by the recipient, the pool. Love costs zero dollars to give away, and there is always plenty more in the bank, (unless you are that hard-hearted so-and-s