Female model who is featured by many photographic image sites. Her beauty signature is unique and universal. She is attractive to all cultures.

Let us take a scientific approach to discovering what beauty really is. (Ladies only--guys are just spectators on this trip.) What is it that spells beauty to you? When you look in the mirror do you instantly recognize the formula for great looks? Do you require a second opinion to make up your mind about what you have discovered? Do you seek the aid of cosmetics to create the illusion of beauty? Are you naturally endowed with the classic features that you have come to know as the traits and characteristics of beauty? Has anyone who has not seen you naked or in a state of undress, raved about your natural, awe-inspiring attractive features? What were their words exactly? Do you remember each syllable, or were you caught up in the attention you were getting?

Some people say, “Beauty is only skin deep.” However, it has been my experience that beauty starts within and cannot be contained by skin. It shines through, regardless of what a woman is wearing, (or not wearing). Beauty ignores the powder, paint, and perfume that attempt to enhance it. The model above wears little or no make-up. She wears her hair as it falls right out of the shower. Her clothes are not even close to being the sexiest on the market. Yet, despite all of these shortcomings, she is constantly in front of some photographer’s camera. Her confidence, poise, and good nature win the viewer over in no time. People want to know her and get close to her. (Of course, there are those who want more. Someone always wants more! Not judging, just stating the facts.) What is her secret? Is it her smile? Is there something in her eyes that reveals how she views the world and all of its trappings? Is there some other unquantifiable quality that is not readily apparent?

Confidence is beautiful. Fearlessness is beautiful. Innocence and wonder are beautiful. These are all child-like qualities being exhibited by a seasoned woman. She is a model of beauty; a blueprint of attractiveness. She is not the sexiest, nor the most sensual creature in her field, however, she has what it takes to teach them all a thing or two. So, what makes you beautiful? What is your signature feature or talent? Cultivate it, and make it known to the world. Own your beauty and the rewards it brings.


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