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Are you reserved and sophisticated? Are you wild and adventurous? Are you “Street Walker Chic” or the plain old girl next door? Do you follow the latest trends or forge your own path? What you wear and how you wear it says volumes about how you are perceived by the world and its various societies. I adhere to the Steve Jobs approach to dress. I wear all-black cargo pants and matching shirts, and sometimes khakis. It simplifies my weekly outings and sets a post-military standard that suits my personality. At home, I wear matching silk pajama tops and bottoms. But I am a guy, (an old guy), and I can get away with this mundane style of dress, and my wife does not hate me for it. (In fact, I've been told that she loves me!) However, women are looked upon differently, in most cases. You are considered “Fashion Plates”, for lack of better terms. Some of you “just don’t give a nasty” what you wear in public, and simply mold your garments to the frame you were given or morphed into over ti