
Showing posts with the label work

W.O.R.K (What One Really Knows)!

  Do you “work” for a living, or survive on what you know how to do best? Some experts call it your “passion” and I would agree to a certain extent. But was it my “Uncle Buttercup’s” passion to haul garbage on his shoulders all of his life? (It did make him inhumanly strong!) Did he truly enjoy the stench of refuse that adhered to his skin and clothing at the end of the day? Uncle Buttercup and my BFAM Lewis were two of the sharpest-dressed men in town! They paid attention to the tiniest detail when they “dressed to impress”! (My Uncle Buttercup used to “borrow” the tailor-made jackets that I brought home from Japan and China.) These two fashion icons had a work history that would shame the average college graduate because they really did “work” for a living! Most of the people who attend institutes of higher learning today are looking for a career that allows them to do little or nothing for everything in return. If you come home from “work” and still smell as good as you did when you