
Showing posts with the label Am I awake

W.T.I.I.? (What Time Is It?)

The abnormal combination of retirement, black-out curtains, tinted window shades, and advanced age gave birth to the W.T.I.I. Syndrome! You know you are afflicted with this dread disease when you wake up at all times of day or night, and ask out loud, “What time is it?” For me, it started about four years ago when my wife, (CMB), and I moved into our pseudo-affordable, senior get-away apartment, on the shady side of Las Vegas. We moved from Sunny San Diego so we could afford to buy a loaf of bread, and still pay our rent! Vegas living, (although considered our last resort for retirement living), has been economically consistent, and very good to us. However, the summertime “sun-sations” blast a laser-intensive hole in your cool zones and your cooling bill! Thus the shaded window screens and black-out curtains! Our apartment is so dark that the photo-sensitive nightlights never go off! (Not even in the middle of the day!), “Just the way we like it!” Technology solves a myriad of s