
Showing posts with the label seeds in papa's vineyard


  Why strive to be a good person in today’s corrupted social climate? Why bother trying to put your best foot forward and worry about your public image and reputation? What do you have to gain by being honest and socially sound when the whole social order has fallen into disarray? Are you getting paid to perform at your very best on the job, or are you getting paid just to show up? Can you see any feasible reason to reach down and pull someone else up to your level in society, or do you prefer to push them further down to lift yourself up higher?   I left a great job in Hollywood, standing around on a movie set; getting paid $300.00 a day to give martial arts advice when my step son got hurt in my absence. Would I do no less or make an even bigger sacrifice for my blood-born babies? The answer is an unequivocal “yes”! What would you give up for your loved ones? What about a stranger? We can all measure our worth by demonstrating our character through our actions rather than our words a