
Showing posts with the label eureka I found it

The Things You Find, When You Are Looking For Something Else!

  AKA The Mysterious Beep! For the past few mornings, my wife and I have been tirelessly searching for a mysterious, audible beeping sound in our bedroom. "Here's my old calculator", my wife exclaimed!" But that was not "It". ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’ , it went. “Wow, my old Casio® digital secretary!” But of course, that was not “it”. ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, It said again. There was nothing in her camera bag, sock drawer, or anywhere she could visibly detect on the bedside dresser. “Let me have your cell phone, Honey”, she said. “I need your flashlight”. ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’ , we heard again. “Here’s that stack of mini DVD’s I was looking for, to make that recording of your vocal chords for the speech therapist!” my wife said. “I have been looking for those for days!” ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’ , it said. My wife said it was not the old phone beeper she used in her hospital days, nor any of the old “flip phones” we had planned to mail to the military troop