The Things You Find, When You Are Looking For Something Else!

 AKA The Mysterious Beep!

Look what I found!

For the past few mornings, my wife and I have been tirelessly searching for a mysterious, audible beeping sound in our bedroom. "Here's my old calculator", my wife exclaimed!" But that was not "It". ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, it went.

“Wow, my old Casio® digital secretary!” But of course, that was not “it”. ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, It said again. There was nothing in her camera bag, sock drawer, or anywhere she could visibly detect on the bedside dresser. “Let me have your cell phone, Honey”, she said. “I need your flashlight”. ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, we heard again. “Here’s that stack of mini DVD’s I was looking for, to make that recording of your vocal chords for the speech therapist!” my wife said. “I have been looking for those for days!” ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, it said. My wife said it was not the old phone beeper she used in her hospital days, nor any of the old “flip phones” we had planned to mail to the military troops overseas. They supposedly had on batteries in them.

Every device, container or inanimate object was considered a viable suspect, and aptly scrutinized as such. “This can’t be it,” she mused, as she held up an old hard disk drive, which was tucked away in the back of her headboard cabinet. “It has to be in this area, though,” she continued. ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, the culprit sounded again. However, no arrest was made.

Then, while putting everything away, my wife accidentally pressed a button on the phone beeper, and… ‘Beep, beep, bee-beep!’, it said, loudly and clearly. This little beeper had not been used in years, but somehow found new life, and began its journey as a modern-day mystery that helped us find other things we had long forgotten. Thank you, little beeper, but your battery is coming out!


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