
Showing posts with the label Adam & Eve


  It is more than just a mathematical equation. If we as husbands could solve, dissolve, and resolve the “if factor” in those magnificent creatures that we are so blessed to call “wife”, we could discover every wonderful woman in the world in just one person. At one time, the number of women in the world eclipsed the number of men by a large margin. Today, that is not so. Players and Playboys had their pick of the litter back then, and built unsanctioned harems of internationally beautiful women all over the planet. There are still a few clusters of “Ballers”, “Players” and “Playboys” in circles that we regular guys do not and cannot infiltrate, because of financial illness. (Luckily it is not yet a terminal illness.) The sexual climate has changed drastically since those days and has evolved into something that challenges the legal, moral, and social systems to keep up or be trampled under the stampeding hooves of carnal insurrection. Gone are the days of men only seeking women as sex


Don’t be offended by my asking this? Where did you come from? No, I don’t mean what city or state you were born in. I mean something deeper and more basic than that. Okay, it is a tough question, so let me personalize it for you. I am the bastard male child of an unmarried couple. My father was an old human male, and my mother, (God bless her soul), was a post-teen, human female. I was conceived by their physical union and born in a 1950’s medical facility. I would like to think that I was born out of love, but there is no empirical proof that I can site. (Mom is gone; Dad was never there.) So by mathematical terms 1+1=3! (Sometimes 1+1= more!) So, what is my point? Without involving ancient text or modern scientific data right now, let us agree for the moment that my math is correct. The human race and its future existence depend on the fact that men and women are essentially needed to pair up, hopefully for love, and procreate. The desired result of this 1+1 union is a 3, or child,