Adam and Eve were commanded by God to be fruitful and become many.
Don’t be offended by my asking this? Where did you come from? No, I don’t mean what city or state you were born in. I mean something deeper and more basic than that. Okay, it is a tough question, so let me personalize it for you. I am the bastard male child of an unmarried couple. My father was an old human male, and my mother, (God bless her soul), was a post-teen, human female. I was conceived by their physical union and born in a 1950’s medical facility. I would like to think that I was born out of love, but there is no empirical proof that I can site. (Mom is gone; Dad was never there.) So by mathematical terms 1+1=3! (Sometimes 1+1= more!)

Adam and Eve gave birth to a world of human beings. Are you one of them?
So, what is my point? Without involving ancient text or modern scientific data right now, let us agree for the moment that my math is correct. The human race and its future existence depend on the fact that men and women are essentially needed to pair up, hopefully for love, and procreate. The desired result of this 1+1 union is a 3, or child, offspring, legacy. Sure the physical union can be “just for fun” or “intimate physical exercise” or better yet, a way to express one’s love and affection. However, my Father intended Adam to hook up with Eve and together fill the entire Earth with our species, Homo Sapiens, Human Beings! We all admit to the fact that we are one species, correct? (The off-shoots and mutant humanoids died out, unless you believe the modern tales of “Big Foot” sightings.) Anything else that appears in humanoid form can be found at a secret facility in Nevada. Shhh! It is a secret!)

So, bottom line it for me. Alien, Sasquatch, or good old Mom and Dad? Created, conceived and delivered the old fashion way! (1+1=3) According to scientist, a sperm-like substance can be extracted from the bones of two women who want to procreate, but I say, “Good luck with that!” Why go to all the trouble? To prove a point? And do not get me started on the chances of two men conceiving and giving birth to a living Human child. (That is not what they meant by “Breach Birth”, OUCH!) Yes, please forgive me for making light of this whole subject, but humor is how I survived “Bulls, Bullets and Bogs!” If I had not learned to laugh at myself at an early age, this Blog would be written by someone with no sense of humor. But it would have been written, nonetheless. (Did I tell you that I can see the future?)

So, you likely came from your mother, with a little help from “Dear Old Dad”. (“Mama’s Baby; Papa’s Maybe!”) I call myself, “he”, “him” and sometimes “me”! (I have never been plural or the opposite gender.) If that is who you are, more power to you. However, please at least admit to being the product of the 1+1 that got you here! Your journey is your own. No one can make you turn left or right on the road of life. As long as you are careful, stay in your lane, and do not attempt to drive anyone else off of their own chosen path, you have the respect of this Old Block! You have valid license to remain in the Human Race.


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