
Showing posts with the label love thief


  First things first; breathe. (Inhale through your nose; exhale through your mouth.) Not too much or you will hyperventilate and you might even pass out. (At this stage you might not reject a little mindless unconsciousness, but wait until you are near a soft surface.) Secondly, do not kill anyone, especially yourself! The “urge to purge” is a common thought among us warriors. We tend to want to surgically excise the cancer at the source, but after some sound mental rage abatement, we resolve to “Let them live”. So now you know how to survive the first three minutes after divorce, but life goes on after that. Did your spouse cheat on you? Did you cheat on your spouse? Are there children involved in this battle for redeemed self and sanity? Be honest and answer the “who did what and why” questions. In war there is often no “good guy; bad guy” admission, thus wars last for years and sometimes decades, however divorce, (although it feels like it), is not war. It is merely the ripping


  Good girls are always a challenge for bad boys. Even a choir boy can get lucky with a bad girl! Good girls generally come from good homes, are raised by good parents, and get good grades in school. They are warned about bad boys the day after the first “bumps” appear on their chests. (Some parents attempt to hide said “bumps”, but nature prevails.) If these good parents are well-educated and have a great relationship with their good girl, they sit down and explain the pros and cons of a relationship with a bad boy. However, some good parents lack the knowledge and verbal fortitude to express the intricacies and pitfalls of bad boy tactics and leave an opportunistic opening in their good girl’s defenses, which bad boys easily and eagerly exploit. The question still remains, “Why do bad boys like good girls?” Is it simply the thrill of the hunt? Is it the pursuit of the unobtainable prize? Why don’t we ask a bad boy, and hear what he has to say? THE OLD BLOCK: “Hey, bad boy. Why