
Showing posts with the label evil is easy


  Isn’t it a shame that being evil is far easier than being good? Think about it a second. In this country alone, there are over 700 billionaires living as residents in more than 40 states! Yet we have famine, homelessness, and sick children and most of this stems from poverty! (Granted, mental illness and drug use also play a major part in these maladies, but money also fuels a great deal of these issues!) Someone, sitting somewhere at the head of an empire of greed benefits from the plight of the poor, infirmed, and addicted. It always amazed me how so many late-night “infomercials” about cats and dogs supersede the plight of human beings who suffer more. God created creatures to roam the wilds and survive out of doors. The animals that are suffering are doing so because of their entitled human owners. If laws were passed to prosecute and imprison these evil, abusive pet owners instantly upon each and every infraction, more attention could be placed upon humans in the wild, who are