If you could get away with it, what would you do?

Isn’t it a shame that being evil is far easier than being good? Think about it a second. In this country alone, there are over 700 billionaires living as residents in more than 40 states! Yet we have famine, homelessness, and sick children and most of this stems from poverty! (Granted, mental illness and drug use also play a major part in these maladies, but money also fuels a great deal of these issues!) Someone, sitting somewhere at the head of an empire of greed benefits from the plight of the poor, infirmed, and addicted. It always amazed me how so many late-night “infomercials” about cats and dogs supersede the plight of human beings who suffer more. God created creatures to roam the wilds and survive out of doors. The animals that are suffering are doing so because of their entitled human owners. If laws were passed to prosecute and imprison these evil, abusive pet owners instantly upon each and every infraction, more attention could be placed upon humans in the wild, who are freezing, starving, and dying for lack of proper shelter, nutrition, education, and healthcare, which should be funded by the 700+ billionaires who benefit from the sweat, blood, and tears of the less fortunate masses.

Evil is more than just a four-letter word, it is a movement that stifles and strangles all human beings, good or bad! If you serve evil, your time on this Earth will be just as short as the people you crush under your heel, (And maybe even shorter)! Do you really think your master gives a nasty about you? If you could get away with murder, who would no longer exist? Would you aim that weapon of choice at an equal adversary who is as evil as you are, or would you choose an easier target, such as an innocent human being? (Or an animal?) Why would a gang of teens set a homeless person on fire? Why would a group of intelligent male college students drug and gang-rape a singled-out college girl? Why would a man shoot his entire family; and then end his own cowardly evil life as well? Open a newspaper, turn on the news, or surf the web and you will find sources of evil everywhere!

Evil is much easier to find than acts of random kindness. However, The Old Block has noticed a recent trend on certain popular social media conduits that gives him hope, (some are real, and some are staged)! I am assuming that most of these beautifully conceived random acts are the works of people who are millionaires and below and are giving back to society in the only way they know how. (Like the guy who gives roses to couples whom he feels are truly in love. Or the more-than-generous police officers who not only share their meager paychecks with a homeless woman, sleeping in her truck but also connect her to her daughter!)

Looking at Mr. Manson, it is easy enough to see the telltale signs of evil, it was written all over his face! He was consumed by it! His eyes gave him away! But what about your neighbor, or that nice school teacher that greets you and your child every day, is there a shred of goodness living within or are you blindly staring pure evil in the face? Only God knows for sure, and He only talks to His children. It might be time to get some adoption papers started. It only takes a few little words!


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