
Showing posts with the label Stay in the nest

THE FALL! (A parent’s bedtime story.)

  Deep in the heavily wooded forest, a pretty little bird named Robin Redbreast, lived in the tallest pine tree, with her three little hatchlings, Betty, Bobby and Billy. With eyes wide-shut and mouths wide-open, they could be heard to say, “Chirp, Chirp, Squawk!” every morning when they woke up. “Chirp”, said Betty. “Good morning, Mother.” “Chirp”, said Bobby. “Good morning, Mother.” “Squawk”, said Billy. “I’m hungry, Mom!” Robin Redbreast had made a comfy little nest for her hatchlings, with seemingly no help from their father, who had flown off to see the world, before the hatchlings were even born. Robin did not care, though, because Betty, Bobby and Billy were all that mattered to her. And like all good moms, Robin protected her hatchlings from all two-legged and four-legged predators. (She was not worried about six-legged and eight-legged creatures because they would become a tasty meal if they ventured too close to her nest.) “Yummy”, she said at the thought of such multi-legged