
Showing posts with the label marriage and divorce


  First, let’s explore what most people feel is the “upside” of cheating. Whether you are a man or a woman, if you are involved in a committed, monogamous relationship, (marriage or otherwise), any outside romantic incursions are considered cheating, (unless you have the contractual consent of your significant other; i.e. “open relationship”). If you kiss another person intimately, you have crossed the line, and are officially a cheater. (“Congrats on your demotion from the fold of the faithful!”) To a cheater, the upside of unfaithfulness is the extra, physical, emotional, psychological, and raw sexual attention the cheater is getting. Does the cheater feel sexually or emotionally neglected at home? Does the cheater seek to discover how desirable he or she is to the rest of the world? Is the cheater medically or psychologically aroused 24/7, and “required” to exercise their right to “get off” whenever the need arises? (“Got a note from your doctor?”) Is the cheater simply following


  Look what just pulled into my parking lot today! (No, just kidding!) The phone rang and there was a commotion in the background, (I could barely hear who was calling). The voices of giddy young women rang out with “OOH’s” and “AHH’s” ensuing. It was my “Brother From Another Mother”, Clifton C.E. W., and he had drawn a crowd of female admirers by merely parking outside my apartment. No, he is not a player, (anymore). No, he was not driving one of his fancy sports cars this time. He was just passing through on his way to San Diego, California! Here is what really pulled into my parking lot… And here is who got out, and caused the chorus of “Ooh’s” and “AHH’s”! Was it his classic “boyish” good looks that sparked the furious fuss or something sweet and tasty? The world will never know, but you are welcome to guess. Clifton has always been the flamboyant, romantic in our group of “BFAMs”. He always had the looks, cars, clothes, and smooth poetic words that magnetically attract