Look what just pulled into my parking lot today!

(No, just kidding!)

The phone rang and there was a commotion in the background, (I could barely hear who was calling). The voices of giddy young women rang out with “OOH’s” and “AHH’s” ensuing. It was my “Brother From Another Mother”, Clifton C.E. W., and he had drawn a crowd of female admirers by merely parking outside my apartment. No, he is not a player, (anymore). No, he was not driving one of his fancy sports cars this time. He was just passing through on his way to San Diego, California!

Here is what really pulled into my parking lot…

And here is who got out, and caused the chorus of “Ooh’s” and “AHH’s”!

Was it his classic “boyish” good looks that sparked the furious fuss or something sweet and tasty? The world will never know, but you are welcome to guess. Clifton has always been the flamboyant, romantic in our group of “BFAMs”. He always had the looks, cars, clothes, and smooth poetic words that magnetically attracted “the ladies”. Dennis was the heathen who would just “gut” a woman to see what she was made of. Lewis was the smooth, but quiet one who would sneak up on a woman and slowly draw her into his web of love. I was the one who wanted marriage and kids, not necessarily in that order, (and we all ended up having children who thought they were cousins). My mother never gave me any brothers, but God did and I love them all as if we fell from the same womb. (More on that subject another time.)

We were still talking on the phone when “Cliffy” walked in the door. I hugged him and kissed him somewhere on the head, (stop it… not the lips you silly goose). I had not seen Cliff in many years. My wife and I attended his wedding via the Internet during the pandemic, but that is not the same as a face-to-face get-together. Imagine my joy when he strolled through my door after so many years, “Cliffy” in the flesh! He was still as suave and sophisticated as he always was, (albeit slightly more seasoned). The good news is that you as my blog family, get to meet him, for real! And please pray for him, (he is going through a little “something, something” right now). “Aren’t we all?”

Right at this minute, (ahora!), Clifton is in my kitchen cooking up some of his “soon-to-be-world-famous” desserts, and the aroma is driving me nuts! So forgive me if I go astray, and start to babble! (This is not an ad so you will have to find him on your own. The image above and a simple social media search should suffice.) All of us “BFAMs” have our own style of cooking and our own specialties. Having younger life partners/spouses, we had to feed our children the best way we could. (If you are a young man, start learning the culinary arts right now, so you can feed yourself and your family.)

Clifton will be gone in a day or two, but my prayer is that all of us remaining “BFAMs” can get together in San Diego before we meet up with Lewis, who was the first “BFAM” to quietly slip away.


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