
Showing posts with the label love is the key


  Did I remember to tell you, “I love you” today? Did I plant 1000 kisses on your lips, cheeks, forehead, neck and shoulders today? Have I been the husband you deserve, all day? Have I kept you in my heart, thoughts and spirit when you briefly left my side? Do I buy you, (or let you buy), the things that make your heart sing the melody that only my heart can hear? Have I been faithful enough for you to brag about me to your family and friends? Do I perform the duties that a good and faithful husband should and must to keep your head from turning side to side, “looking”? Have I made my indelible spousal mark on you so well that other men can see it, sense it, (without looking at your ring finger)? When I do say, “I love you”, do you believe in your heart and soul that my words are true and unequivocally heartfelt? Do you hold me one step below God as I do you? Do you include me in your prayers in hopes of keeping your good and faithful husband by your side for all time? Do I make yo


  It goes without saying that love means something different to everyone and in every situation. If I say “I love you” to my children it has a different connotation and magnitude to the same expression voiced to my wife or my BFAMs. There is also the tone and the delivery of those oft-repeated three little words. Moreover, the delivery and tone connote and clarify the intention and purpose of the phrase, and are often accompanied by a physical expression that further speaks to the true meaning of the words. “I love you” and a hug is different than, “I love you” and a kiss, (depending on to whom and where the kiss ends up)! The question is, “How do you love”? Are you a hugger, shaker, kisser, or a groper? (Yep! There are plenty of gropers out there! The misunderstood, “I don’t see anything wrong with it” gropers)! Just so you know groper, that is not love; it is a thing called lust, a different blog for another day! If you are a true hugger, you hug everyone every chance you get.


  Why strive to be a good person in today’s corrupted social climate? Why bother trying to put your best foot forward and worry about your public image and reputation? What do you have to gain by being honest and socially sound when the whole social order has fallen into disarray? Are you getting paid to perform at your very best on the job, or are you getting paid just to show up? Can you see any feasible reason to reach down and pull someone else up to your level in society, or do you prefer to push them further down to lift yourself up higher?   I left a great job in Hollywood, standing around on a movie set; getting paid $300.00 a day to give martial arts advice when my step son got hurt in my absence. Would I do no less or make an even bigger sacrifice for my blood-born babies? The answer is an unequivocal “yes”! What would you give up for your loved ones? What about a stranger? We can all measure our worth by demonstrating our character through our actions rather than our words a


  She was not the “Lady of the house”, nor the landlord, nor a rent collector, but her unsoiled grace, beautiful spirit, and genuine love for me and mine made her far more than any title one could bestow upon her. She was and still is Lady K, the heart and soul of the Newsome Clan! (I love my BFAM “D”, but Kim was in a whole new class!) I hated when she brought that dog into our room and perched him on top of our refrigerator, flicking tufts of hair off her hands and blouse, after loving and smooching with “Patches”. Lady K would visit us often and seemed to always bring that little hairy creature with her as an unwelcome companion. Lady K would give my wife and me ample hugs and kisses that would last all day: even after she departed. We never talked about anything important to the household or the outside world, but her presence always lifted the weight of homelessness and despair from our heavy hearts. She was love incarnate! A special soul that God in his infinite wisdom saw fit


  What a stupid title! It is not a question, (although it does start with “why”). It is not a misspelled word, (although it should be “son”). However, there is no question that I love him, and have loved him since the day he was born. (And probably nine months before that too!) My son is the sun to me! He is my morning and my sunset, because he is the Chip that came from this Old Block, in more than just words. I never use the word “proud” when I speak or even think of my children, (as you know, “ Pride Goeth Before the Fall ”)! I simply say they make me happy! Anyone who knows the Old Block, remembers that he would not even date a girl unless she had babies already, because all my life I wanted to be called “Dad”! (I never had one, you know. At least not one that I met; only my BFAMs Dennis and Lewis had that privilege. Cliffy and I are still “in search of”.) So, I only brag about the pure joy they bring me, simply by being on the planet. There is nothing they ever have to do to earn


  True love costs everything and is usually more than any of us have to give. Your pride is bankrupt from the outset, and your skin thickens to ward off the danger of the awesome might of words that are haphazardly thrown your way by the one you love. And the one you love can always hurt you the most with those “ dangerously powerful creatures ” called words! If you are truly in love, his or her name is always on your lips like the kind of lipstick that does not wear off or smear, ever! When you hear his or her name, even in casual conversation from across a crowded room, your ears become highly sensitive satellite listening devices that hone in on every spoken word that follows that name. “What did they say about my Boo?” To touch or be touched by the one you love is electric and endearing; you never want it to end. A gentle supportive touch becomes a light massage; then a tender caress, until those same lips that called you something you did not want to hear, find their way to your n


  Someone is always in need of love and prayer, and this lovely lady should be moved to the top of the list! I could sense her pain, even when she smiled, joked, and made light of her condition and situation. (I live with a terminally ill spouse who just survived colon cancer and has been a Sickle Cell champion since birth!) There is no way I could possibly love my wife more than I already do, but that fact does not prevent me from trying! The lady in question is a survivor and a champion in her own right; however, she has not fully and wholly embraced her championship persona, (pain and mental anguish could be contributing to her inability to overcome or even cope with her dilemma). It then falls upon us, as her human family, to brace her up, refill her spirit, and kick-start her will to continue here on the planet with us! There are professionals, clergy, and philanthropists among us who could reach out a helping, healing hand and relieve this brave soul of her daily burden, with a m


  I am “Fudima”, a mother and a powerful woman, infused with the innate gifts of The Almighty to bear children and rear them in the way I see fit. If you see me in a shopping mall chastising my offspring, look away. Unless you are seeking knowledge in child-rearing, mind your own business. Step back, “Mama Bear don’t play that sh*t! And Mama Bear don’t take no mess from her young ones!” I teach my children how to live long enough to teach their own children how to live long enough to teach their own. “Don't break the law!” I tell them, as I spank their little butts. Mama would rather issue 1,000 spankings a year, rather than see the police issue one fatal spanking to one of hers. “I can’t breathe!” I do not knock before entering my children’s rooms. I pay the rent. I buy the food. I put the clothes on my children’s backs. They knock on my door, and wait for my permission to enter! They do not give me “back-talk”, when I am correcting their inappropriate behavior or lack of manners.


  First, let’s explore what most people feel is the “upside” of cheating. Whether you are a man or a woman, if you are involved in a committed, monogamous relationship, (marriage or otherwise), any outside romantic incursions are considered cheating, (unless you have the contractual consent of your significant other; i.e. “open relationship”). If you kiss another person intimately, you have crossed the line, and are officially a cheater. (“Congrats on your demotion from the fold of the faithful!”) To a cheater, the upside of unfaithfulness is the extra, physical, emotional, psychological, and raw sexual attention the cheater is getting. Does the cheater feel sexually or emotionally neglected at home? Does the cheater seek to discover how desirable he or she is to the rest of the world? Is the cheater medically or psychologically aroused 24/7, and “required” to exercise their right to “get off” whenever the need arises? (“Got a note from your doctor?”) Is the cheater simply following


  If you look up “wife” in the Old Block Dictionary, you will find a photograph of CMB next to the word. CMB is the epitome of the word and the most exemplary definition of the word “wife”! We met online, at a now-defunct dating website called “Christian 2000”, back in 1998 or 1999, (hey, I am an old man and I cannot keep track of such things in my limited 2 terabyte memory bank)! CMB tells the story so much better than I do, but whose blog is this anyway? So, you will have to suffer through the Old Block version, until you meet CMB yourself. I developed a website with tons of photographs and classic examples of my impressive pedigree. I included a link to my website in the automated email that the website sent to CMB’s profile. She recounts that she had second thoughts about posting her desire for companionship online, and decided to close her online account shortly after logging in. However, several emails were sent to her before she could end her bid for online love. When she


  We are all seeds in Papa’s Vineyard, and I am blessed to be the fateful Patriarch of this tiny vine of devoted, familial female grapes. The little one is no longer with us. No, she has not passed on to that vaporous vale of eternal sleep; however, she has been spirited away from the fold by ignorance and ill intentions. So, yes, she is lost to the Bruster Clan, (although she was never truly a Bruster, which will be explained in detail someday). However, this is an account of the ones who remain, (the little one, at least, deserved an honorable mention as her departure from the vineyard was not completely by her own design). The Bruster girls are the perfect mixture of intelligence, beauty, and dedication. They all embody the spirit of “Papa Bruster”, who has gone on to lands unknown nearly a half-century before their birth, so in truth, they never met him, or visited his earthly vineyard as I did. It is uncanny, however, that they all carry the genetic cerebral markers that mad


  Look what just pulled into my parking lot today! (No, just kidding!) The phone rang and there was a commotion in the background, (I could barely hear who was calling). The voices of giddy young women rang out with “OOH’s” and “AHH’s” ensuing. It was my “Brother From Another Mother”, Clifton C.E. W., and he had drawn a crowd of female admirers by merely parking outside my apartment. No, he is not a player, (anymore). No, he was not driving one of his fancy sports cars this time. He was just passing through on his way to San Diego, California! Here is what really pulled into my parking lot… And here is who got out, and caused the chorus of “Ooh’s” and “AHH’s”! Was it his classic “boyish” good looks that sparked the furious fuss or something sweet and tasty? The world will never know, but you are welcome to guess. Clifton has always been the flamboyant, romantic in our group of “BFAMs”. He always had the looks, cars, clothes, and smooth poetic words that magnetically attract


  The fort was located at 9795 Garden Drive, in Hanford, California. It was a nice stretch of land with two separate dwelling places, a huge pig pen and a non-functioning well, (hence the need for a neighborhood outhouse). Water was “fetched” in four metal milk cans, and rationed out like some post-apocalyptic movie scene. (Do not ask where the water came from.) The larger dwelling belonged to P.T. Price and his wife O.C. Smith-Price. (Together, they had three children, Raymond, Shirley, and Evelyn.) O.C. Smith-Price was the birth mother of Booker T. Smith, my less-than-illustrious stepfather. When I met O.C., she was already bedridden and as cantankerous and mean as an old female pit bulldog protecting her litter. Speaking of her litter, to her they must have been above menial tasks because O.C. would always call me when she needed something basal or downright filthy done. The Price home was a real house, made of contemporary wood, plaster, and metallic materials. Our “house”, (


  It is more than just a mathematical equation. If we as husbands could solve, dissolve, and resolve the “if factor” in those magnificent creatures that we are so blessed to call “wife”, we could discover every wonderful woman in the world in just one person. At one time, the number of women in the world eclipsed the number of men by a large margin. Today, that is not so. Players and Playboys had their pick of the litter back then, and built unsanctioned harems of internationally beautiful women all over the planet. There are still a few clusters of “Ballers”, “Players” and “Playboys” in circles that we regular guys do not and cannot infiltrate, because of financial illness. (Luckily it is not yet a terminal illness.) The sexual climate has changed drastically since those days and has evolved into something that challenges the legal, moral, and social systems to keep up or be trampled under the stampeding hooves of carnal insurrection. Gone are the days of men only seeking women as sex

I AM JUST A CHAIR! (I was made for you.)

  I was created for your comfort and your absolute pleasure. Rest upon my strong and ever-lasting frame of wood, bone, and flesh. Feel my natural warmth and firmness, as I envelop and caress your every curve, with love and utmost care. Lean back, “I got you!” Have no fear or trepidation when you are in my loving embrace. Let me hold you forever and never let you go. I belong to you, and you belong to me. This is a marriage made in a mystical workshop where lucid dreams become reality.   Come to me each and every night, so I can love you like no other chair has the right to do. Let me be your chair, your comforter, your healer, and your lover. I was made for you. I am a jealous and vengeful chair, so please; sit nowhere else when you are weary or in search of love, comfort, joy, or pleasure. I will support you in everything you do or desire to do, as long as you faithfully desire to rest your weary mind, body, and soul in my lap of love. Yes, I belong to you, but your butt belongs o

Big Girls Need Love Too!

Some people say, “More to love”. Some say, “More cushion for the pushing”, but the bottom line is that some big girls are merely pretty little girls, trapped in big girl bodies that need loving too. There are many reasons why big girls have become chubby. We will not delve into the science behind those conditions here, however we will reinforce the statement that “Big Girls Need Love Too!” How she got here is not relevant to the overriding fact that her mind, body and spirit need to be fed something other than food! I vote for love! Love is intangible and cannot nor will not fit on a plate. Anyone, (human or otherwise), is capable of giving and receiving the benefits of love. Love is a small gesture, like a pebble in a pool that makes a significant splash for its size, and leaves an imperceptible footprint that can only be measured by the recipient, the pool. Love costs zero dollars to give away, and there is always plenty more in the bank, (unless you are that hard-hearted so-and-s


Get your mind out of the gutter for a moment, and expand it to another conceptual degree of thinking. Most people think we only taste with our mouths, but a famous comic cooking couple taught me otherwise. (Lee and Stephen are not a real couple, but they are like brothers. You can find their cooking videos on a very popular shopping site that starts with an “A”.) They once told me that we eat with our eyes before we eat with our mouths. So, why not eat with other essential organs? Have you eaten something without smelling it first? If you smell an apple and eat an onion at the same time, how does it taste? Okay, the Old Block got side-tracked there for a moment, but the setup was critical to evoke your curious imagination and make you more susceptible to my eclectic way of thinking. (No, not “weird”, I said “eclectic”.) Let us assume that the heart and not the brain is our feeler gauge for love, and somehow can pump love through our veins. (The heart takes a great deal of credit for


If you are a non-believer, or believe in a different Deity, please move on to the next post in the queue. If you are curious about other beliefs, stick around for a brief moment, as The Old Block shares his insights and life experience with the Blog Family. So, why do I believe in a higher power? My life has been one big unfunny joke, that the “Enemy of Mankind” has enjoyed cracking his evil ribs about, for more than 70 years. (In fact, my biography will be entitled “What’s So Doggone Funny”. Look for it on the book shelves within the next 10 years!) As a child I was plagued with visions, hauntings and nightmares, which I was too young and inexperienced to properly deal with. (Even today I am sometimes returned to places I feared as a child when I sleep too deeply! However, I am now adept and well-equipped to circumvent most if not all night visits. (Look for a future Blog on “Controlling Your Dreams”.) I never knew my birth father. He was an older man who gave my mother two childr


Don’t be ashamed of your nature, baby, but don’t give it away to every guy that asks for a little either. As a modern woman, you still need to guard your virtue and protect your reputation to seamlessly blend into societal constraints. We are all human beings, and we all have our own unique physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. Sometimes we just need to talk with someone of the opposite sex, simply to validate our value to the social order as a whole. Sometimes we merely need the touch of an intimate hand to satiate our innate physical desires. Are you more physical and less emotional? It is okay to “Express Yourself”, to some degree! Are you looking for true love? Let every guy you meet know this, in no uncertain terms. Are you simply hungry for a midnight snack? Check the menu, and order what you want and need. Guys are not as fickle or shallow as you might have been told. Some guys want forever, but still others just want right now! If you endeavor to be successful in your ques


She is always there when a moment of monumental importance is about to occur. How does she know that this instant she has chosen to capture will be the one that everyone will remember, for all time? Is she clairvoyant, or somehow gifted by God to see the future; then imprison the moment on what is now known as film? What makes her so gifted and so insightful as to be the one and only “life photographer” who follows me and mine about snapping gem after gem? Is it the fact that she practices and teaches Yoga? Does the ability to contort her nimble body into various unearthly poses awaken some majestic power in her cell phone that extends itself to her eyes and fingers to “snap” that perfect image? Is she somehow in tune with the cosmos and privileged to know my every move, before I make it? Can she be the embodiment of a celestial being, who visits this plane of existence only to record and catalog my most significant performances? Where was she when I was a small boy, nearly drowning i