Love and prayer are in short supply. Help me, please!

Someone is always in need of love and prayer, and this lovely lady should be moved to the top of the list! I could sense her pain, even when she smiled, joked, and made light of her condition and situation. (I live with a terminally ill spouse who just survived colon cancer and has been a Sickle Cell champion since birth!) There is no way I could possibly love my wife more than I already do, but that fact does not prevent me from trying!

The lady in question is a survivor and a champion in her own right; however, she has not fully and wholly embraced her championship persona, (pain and mental anguish could be contributing to her inability to overcome or even cope with her dilemma). It then falls upon us, as her human family, to brace her up, refill her spirit, and kick-start her will to continue here on the planet with us! There are professionals, clergy, and philanthropists among us who could reach out a helping, healing hand and relieve this brave soul of her daily burden, with a minuscule portion of their considerable power or knowledge. I will not go into detail about her professed ailments, (you can get that info straight from her silenced mouth), but just know that she suffers daily and still remains a responsible mother.

What would you do if you walked up to someone who was visibly hungry, in pain, and possibly dying, right before your eyes? Would you shake your head in pity and walk away? Would you at least ask, “What’s wrong?” If it was an animal would you be more inclined to help it? Our planet has been turned upside down on so many levels. So much so that humans have fallen to the bottom rung, and are the first ones to be stepped on, and ignored. I love animals of all kinds, but I love people far more! All people!

Let us be clear. It is not necessary for you to know this beautiful soul in order to reach out and assist her. She is one of us, contributing to society in her own special way. However, you can get to know her as I have by paying her a little visit or sending her some love, prayer, and invaluable advice. Her silent voice is screaming to be heard above the din of the “establishment”! Let her know you hear her and feel her pain. Send her words of encouragement, medical advice, or real-world solutions that will set her on the path to recovery. Let her know, unequivocally that she is your sister, and needed on the planet. We never know what one lost soul could do to the human race. Unfortunately, I do! 



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