Big Girls Need Love Too!

Image by <a href="">Freepik</a>
Some people say, “More to love”. Some say, “More cushion for the pushing”, but the bottom line is that some big girls are merely pretty little girls, trapped in big girl bodies that need loving too.

There are many reasons why big girls have become chubby. We will not delve into the science behind those conditions here, however we will reinforce the statement that “Big Girls Need Love Too!” How she got here is not relevant to the overriding fact that her mind, body and spirit need to be fed something other than food! I vote for love!

Love is intangible and cannot nor will not fit on a plate. Anyone, (human or otherwise), is capable of giving and receiving the benefits of love. Love is a small gesture, like a pebble in a pool that makes a significant splash for its size, and leaves an imperceptible footprint that can only be measured by the recipient, the pool. Love costs zero dollars to give away, and there is always plenty more in the bank, (unless you are that hard-hearted so-and-so we discussed earlier).

Guys, what would it take for you to walk up to “Bertha” and compliment one of her assets? Be honest in your appraisal of her quality, talent or skill. Is she a proficient software programmer, secretary, managerial leader or artist? Does she wear the most fashionable clothes in the office or school setting? Is she a great swimmer or some other athlete? What makes her stand out among other women besides her obvious girth? Is she “packin’ in the back end” respectfully for the venue? Does she carry herself like a queen or a street walker?

Some big girls are unapproachable because of walls they have built around themselves to keep the negative comments at bay. You need to be aware that there are deep-seated issues there that even a catapult cannot breach. Do not swim across the mote. Do not attempt to scale the wall. Wait outside, patiently and maybe she will let you in. (Or maybe she will dump hot boiling oil on your genuine intentions!)

On the flip side of the big girl coin, you will undoubtedly meet “Melissa”, who thinks she is “all that and a pound of filet mignon”! Tread carefully with her. She is very persuasive, but only for her own selfish gain. She will wave one of her powerful thighs in your face and promise you the moon, but give you nothing but grief! When your wallet is empty and you are homeless, she will waddle off to her next victim. Keep your guard up, and maybe your trousers too.

Big girls are complex biological machines that need constant maintenance. If you are not a bio-mechanic or bio-engineer, stick to being the nice guy who just says, “Hello, Bertha. How are you today?” After which, you move on to accomplish the tasks of the day. But, if you are adventurous, bio-mechanical minded, and strong as a bull, get to know a plus-sized plumper and pull up to her glorious bumper. But be ready to hit the brakes at a moment’s notice.


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