Besides coitus, how do you express your love?

It goes without saying that love means something different to everyone and in every situation. If I say “I love you” to my children it has a different connotation and magnitude to the same expression voiced to my wife or my BFAMs. There is also the tone and the delivery of those oft-repeated three little words. Moreover, the delivery and tone connote and clarify the intention and purpose of the phrase, and are often accompanied by a physical expression that further speaks to the true meaning of the words. “I love you” and a hug is different than, “I love you” and a kiss, (depending on to whom and where the kiss ends up)!

The question is, “How do you love”? Are you a hugger, shaker, kisser, or a groper? (Yep! There are plenty of gropers out there! The misunderstood, “I don’t see anything wrong with it” gropers)! Just so you know groper, that is not love; it is a thing called lust, a different blog for another day!

If you are a true hugger, you hug everyone every chance you get. You also do not see it as an offensive expression, but please consider your relationship with the “hug-ee” before tackling someone in public or private settings. Some victims of arrant hugs will excuse the hugger out of social fear or sheer trepidation, and can not wait until it ends. Others will rebuke a hugger outright, no matter what the setting or purpose of the gathering. (Some people just hate being touched, by anyone, and you as the habitual hugger must learn to spot the signs of these individuals before you share your loving embrace.)

Kissers are a whole other breed of “love expressers”! Except for the “Hollywood Air Kissers”, true kissers like to plant one on the flesh of their victim, every chance they get. Cheeks, foreheads, and even lips are fair game for the true kisser! (Who has not tried to escape the clutches of a kisser aunt who loves to paint everyone with juicy lipstick kisses at family gatherings?) She cannot help it folks; it is in her DNA! Female kissers are usually given a pass by society, but male kissers are looked upon as borderline perverts, (even if they have not upgraded the groper skill)!

The shaker is socially accepted by almost everyone, (even the two-hand-shaker gets a pass). Handshakes begin and conclude most business deals, and do not feel like love-shakes unless the shaker holds the shake too long, (that is called holding hands, dude). Shakers come in all varieties including “hand crushers”, “thumb massagers”, “palm ticklers”, and the classic “hand pullers” who really want a hug instead!

I have not forgotten about coitus. However, there is no more ink in my pen so I need to stop right here. You understand, don’t you?


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