My ubiquitous photographer! My First Born! My Baby Girl!
She is always there when a moment of monumental importance is about to occur. How does she know that this instant she has chosen to capture will be the one that everyone will remember, for all time? Is she clairvoyant, or somehow gifted by God to see the future; then imprison the moment on what is now known as film? What makes her so gifted and so insightful as to be the one and only “life photographer” who follows me and mine about snapping gem after gem? Is it the fact that she practices and teaches Yoga? Does the ability to contort her nimble body into various unearthly poses awaken some majestic power in her cell phone that extends itself to her eyes and fingers to “snap” that perfect image? Is she somehow in tune with the cosmos and privileged to know my every move, before I make it? Can she be the embodiment of a celestial being, who visits this plane of existence only to record and catalog my most significant performances? Where was she when I was a small boy, nearly drowning in quicksand, trying to catch a frog? (Oh! That is another story. Sorry to bring that up.)

Wait! Have I forgotten to mention that it is my daughter we are talking about? (Silly me.) It occurs to me now, that she could not have captured anything before she was born. Unless…


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