I loved her and called her sister.

 She was not the “Lady of the house”, nor the landlord, nor a rent collector, but her unsoiled grace, beautiful spirit, and genuine love for me and mine made her far more than any title one could bestow upon her. She was and still is Lady K, the heart and soul of the Newsome Clan! (I love my BFAM “D”, but Kim was in a whole new class!)

I hated when she brought that dog into our room and perched him on top of our refrigerator, flicking tufts of hair off her hands and blouse, after loving and smooching with “Patches”. Lady K would visit us often and seemed to always bring that little hairy creature with her as an unwelcome companion. Lady K would give my wife and me ample hugs and kisses that would last all day: even after she departed. We never talked about anything important to the household or the outside world, but her presence always lifted the weight of homelessness and despair from our heavy hearts. She was love incarnate! A special soul that God in his infinite wisdom saw fit to drop from heaven to brighten our otherwise dismal days. She and my BFAM were the ones we missed most when we were unceremoniously booted out of Black Oak!

Lady K could make me smile, simply by walking into the room. If she was ever miserable or in pain from her many chronic ailments, she never burdened us with those issues. Her main purpose in visiting our little hovel was to bring some sunshine into the dungeon we laughingly called home. (“Yes, we were homeless in a home! And we were rarely given a chance to forget it. But that is another story, for another time.)

If you knew Lady K, you either loved her or else! She was a force of unbridled friendship, crushing hugs, and genuine love! In military terms, she was a landmine waiting to explode into laughter and merriment when people she cared about were in her field of view or immediate proximity! If she loved you, you were in trouble! She would smother you with teddy bear hugs that would shame a pro wrestler! And you would be smiling all the while, even if you could not breathe. She was a love infection that had no cure. And no one ever looked for one.

We love you and miss you Lady K! You left a hole in the planet that no landfill or canyon can compare itself to. I only regret that when you called your loved ones in to say, “I love you”, I was already exiled to another state. So, this is my chance to look in your wonderful visage and say, “I love you, Sis. Always have and always will!”


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