
The only Father I have ever known, my Heavenly Father!
If you are a non-believer, or believe in a different Deity, please move on to the next post in the queue. If you are curious about other beliefs, stick around for a brief moment, as The Old Block shares his insights and life experience with the Blog Family.

So, why do I believe in a higher power? My life has been one big unfunny joke, that the “Enemy of Mankind” has enjoyed cracking his evil ribs about, for more than 70 years. (In fact, my biography will be entitled “What’s So Doggone Funny”. Look for it on the book shelves within the next 10 years!)

As a child I was plagued with visions, hauntings and nightmares, which I was too young and inexperienced to properly deal with. (Even today I am sometimes returned to places I feared as a child when I sleep too deeply! However, I am now adept and well-equipped to circumvent most if not all night visits. (Look for a future Blog on “Controlling Your Dreams”.)

I never knew my birth father. He was an older man who gave my mother two children; then hit the road. (On to greener pastures I assume.) My step-father, (“Booker T. Smith”, as he called himself), was a father in name or title only. There were other pretend dads as I grew up, but none of them stuck around long enough to form a father-son bond with yours truly. Uncle Ray visited from time to time, but you should know by now how that ended. So, the only Father I ever really developed a personal relationship with was my Heavenly Father. (Don’t look at me like that! I am not now nor have I ever been a perfect, sanctified man, and having been born human, I never will achieve perfection.) My Heavenly Father forgives me daily for being human. I do, however, aspire to be a perfect husband, father, and gentleman as long as I remain in this mortal plane.

Life has given me plenty of chances to cash in my chips, but I have to assume that since my Father has not said, “Well done my good and faithful son”, I have a stay of execution for a little bit longer. The “Enemy of Mankind” has laid several traps, bent on ensnaring me and dragging me down to the deepest depths, but they have all failed. I have survived quicksand, lake -drownings, angry bulls, and three tours in Viet Nam! (I am sure I am leaving something out of the equation.) Love, prayer and the “Will of God” have sustained me thus far. So I pray, give thanks and love every soul I encounter. (Love is the first law. If you truly love someone or something you will do no harm. If you do harm, love does not exist there. Don’t be fooled or swayed by the word “Love” when it comes from the mouth of someone who just smacked the living daylights out of you.)

I believe in God, not based upon man-made idols or ideologies. My church is my home, “Where two or more are gathered in His name…” My love for my Heavenly Father comes from faith and “proof of life”. He loves me; therefore I exist in this mortal plane. He knows I am a mere man, with faults and imperfect ways, but He allows me time to correct them. After all, a day to God is a millennium, so what is a few seconds to Him? My meager existence? My lifetime is but an instant to Him. (And I am sure I also give Him reasons to smile or chuckle sometimes.) We were made or created in His image, according to scripture, so we laugh; He laughs. Logic prevails.

I could speak on this subject all day, but my purpose on Earth is to edify and testify. My life IS a testimony of the existence of God! Remember the DVT/PE that almost took me out? That would have been a good time to “see” something. The “Light” or tunnel to Heaven, or some other proof of an afterlife that never presented itself to me, while I was in a coma, or when I was medically deceased. I believe more because I am here, than where I might go after life ends. Earth was designed to be our paradise, and I am not going to stop trying to make it so. With your help and everyone you know, we can achieve that goal, if we only believe.


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