Are you "woke" yet dad? We need to talk about some things.
Come on, dad. Wake up! You are the ultimate educator and adjudicator in your home. It is time to step up and give your progeny a fighting chance. Teach them everything, but when they are old enough, “Let them drive their own car.” You provide the GPS and maybe a little fuel, but the destination should be their own. You should only intervene to prevent them from driving off a cliff or having a head-on collision with misfortune. Daughters are very special. They get their first free hugs from you. (Little boys and big boys want them to pay dearly and severely for symbols and actions that denote love and affection.) Don’t let your daughter leave the house hungry for love, hugs or kisses. Fill her tank up with the good stuff, so she can make it back home safely, to get filled up with more free hugs again and again. Sons, however, are knuckleheads until they grow out of the “passenger” phase of life. You know how they are. They follow and emulate the “alpha dog” in their pack, and perform acts of rebellion that exceed your own childhood antics. (We were harmless pranksters, but they are habitually harmful in their servitude to the alpha’s unholy authority.) Keep a strong leash on your pup, if you want him to reach the ripe old age of 21! (He should expect to survive into his late 70’s under normal conditions.) So, dad, whether you still live in the home with your offspring or you have separated, divorced or fled the household, your duty and responsibility as a father never ends. Your son(s) will carry your family name forward into the distant future. Your daughter(s) will bear the next batch of “broodlings” that may or may not extend your progeny. Regardless of the existence of any future generations spawning from your offspring, they will always need your wisdom and guardianship, as they aspire to grow and prosper in a world where love has buried its hapless head in the sand! Mentally reach back to your own childhood and conjure up images of what made or broke you. If the chain is broken, mend it now! Give your babies the tools and knowledge to survive this cruel, ungodly world. Become the creator of prosperity and well-being in their lives. Only you have the power to be Dad!


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