DREAM MASTER: (How-to Control Your Dreams!)


How to control your dreams.

This is a simple, yet invaluable skill that I taught my children when they were very young. As you may have already read, I was plagued with incessant haunting as a child, especially in my dreams. My mother, bless her heart, tried to help me by placing scissors under my pillow, (Old Wives’ Tale; don’t ask)! That never worked. The first crutch that I employed did, however, work. Since Lady Bugs protected crops and plants from parasitic insects, why not protect me from horrific, night-terror creatures and demonic entities? Thus, the Lady Bug became my midnight, mystical savior that I called upon in my dreams to save me from spooks and spirits with ill intentions. However, as I mentioned, this was just a crutch, to help me hobble through my nightmares and bad dreams, not a permanent solution that would carry me beyond the strangling hold that “The Fort” had on me.

My greatest asset, even as a child, was my innate problem-solving skill. I was a living, breathing, virtual thinking cap, and would sit for hours embroiled in thought to invent personal solutions to vexing childhood issues. My solutions could not be like grenades or land minds, in scope. They had to be sniper-specific, on-target headshots, with no chance of collateral damage. As I said earlier, the answer was simple. As gamers, we say, IRL, (in real life). Dreams, no matter how real they seem are not IRL. They are mental video games that most of us do not realize that we are playing until the game crashes or somehow gets shut down by an outside force, i.e. waking up.

So, here is your joystick or controller: Ask yourself, ‘Is it real?’, and if the answer is, ‘No!’ take control and play the game by your own set of rules. Take flight, conjure up a weapon, speed away on a unicorn or a motorcycle, or mine and my son’s favorite, stand and fight! Remember, you are the hero in this video game, and as the creator, you know all of the “cheat codes”! Like any video game, real or virtual, you will need to practice to become the master of your dreams. Once you master this concept, teach your children how to fly, or stand and deliver that killing blow that puts their nightmares to sleep. Pleasant dreams, hero.


Ramona Bruster said…
Bravo Uncle! The scirrors under the pillow brought back memories. I’m so proud to be your niece! Continue the great work.

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