Money back not guaranteed, purchase girl at your own risk!

Hey! I get it! “Been there; done that”. You are going back to school, work, or returning from military leave, and have zero “love bragging rights”. Cheer up, mi amigo! You don’t have to make up a credible love life. We have done that for you. A little “kiss-and-tell” could make you feel like a real stud, right? Well, look no further than our “Rent-A-Girlfriend®” collection. That’s right! You can now rent a girlfriend, and use our non-refundable, unguaranteed coupon to get the fantasy girlfriend of your choice, at an incredible 50% discount! Just whip out a snapshot of one of these hot ladies; stand back and watch the barrage of “Atta-boys” roll in.

As an extra added bonus, your young female peers may start to see you as a catch as well, knowing that a ‘hottie’ like this thinks you are boyfriend material! It’s chemistry, my man. It’s just chemistry. Choose wisely though, and don’t select too many different “Rent-A-Girlfriends®” because that would be overkill, and your credibility could start to fade. Carry one or maybe two of your “Rent-A-Girlfriend®” snapshots in your notebook, wallet, or backpack, and “accidentally” let someone see your “Rent-A-Girlfriend®” photo. Watch their jaws drop and get ready to use your preconceived cover story to explain her existence. Good luck out there amigo, and happy hunting. 

DISCLAIMER: (“Rent-A-Girlfriend®, Inc.” is a non-extent corporation with less than one employee, and is secretly operated in the back of your lonely mind. Real girlfriends are out there waiting for your sorry behind to get off the couch and come get them! Do not deprive the single women in the real world of your stud-like prowess and manly physique one more moment! Remember, loneliness is the world’s only curable, fatal disease.)

THE OLD BLOCK: The tongue has been surgically removed from the cheek!


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