Squeamish about sex education?

Sex education is a must. Do not be afraid!

Shy parents can now rely on a very popular video game to teach their children about love, marriage, and sex. 

Many parents struggle with the notion of teaching their children about the “birds and the bees”, even in these ultra-modern times. However, there are alternate ways for the shy parent to teach his or her child about life, love, and licentious liability as it relates to true love and legal marriage, in today’s promiscuous society.

Most parents rely on the school system to educate their little ones about the habitually natural topics their children should be able to discuss at home, in private, with their legal guardians and esteemed family members: love, marriage, sex, and procreation. With a proliferation of decadent media and undesirable peer input bombarding the young minds of children daily, it is wise for the concerned parent to step up and take on the role of sex educator, at home, to stem the tide of inappropriate “street education” that leads to adverse health and lifestyle choices that are sometimes irreversible.

With a home computer and a small investment, inhibited parents, (and uninhibited parents), can attentively, and proactively begin to teach their children about love, marriage, and sex, in the privacy and safety of their homes, using The Sims 4®, a wholesome, appropriate and internationally acclaimed video game. The Sims 4®, and all of its predecessors, has provided millions of gamers with billions of hours of fun, education, and a decent living wage.

The Sims® game was originally designed to be an architectural hobby software to create 3-D mock-ups of houses and other buildings on a computer. However, Will Wright, the creator, felt something was missing and added simulated humans, that spoke a non-human language called “Simlish”, and The Sims® dynasty was born. The simulated humans, or Sims®, quickly took center stage over the architecture, because building their lives, loves, and leisurely activities became more interesting than simply building walls, floors, and roofs. These Sims® interacted fascinatingly well with their environment, neighbors, and various other objects, which they were introduced to, during the course of their short lives.

In modern iterations of The Sims®, Fans have added modifications, known as “mods”, which extend the lives of their Sims®, and provide custom content, like clothing, hairstyles, skin tones, and lifestyle improvements that allow some content creators to earn real-world dollars for their in-game technical and artistic contributions.

An alternative and free method of introducing young ones to The Sims® life is through YouTube® movies that are created by fans of the game. Parents must faithfully scrutinize these videos before allowing their children to view them. However, the base, unmodified version of The Sims 4® should be more benign than YouTube® videos. In any case, children should be supervised and co-educated by parents and guardians when teaching a child, adolescent, or teen about this natural, but delicate subject. Who knows, parents might learn something too.

In a nutshell, The Sims 4® will allow parents and educators to provide a more socially-accepted method of introducing young minds to the adult-oriented subjects of love, marriage, sex, and procreation, (hopefully, in that order).


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