Safe and Secure?

Would you trust these guys to protect you?

This ragtag bunch of misfits provided 24-hour safety, security, medical assistance, and tech support for the senior residents of one of San Diego's most prestigious retirement facilities. (The Penthouse Suite is leased for a mere $10,000 per month!) This 24-acre former lemon grove featured 24/7 emergency medical care, a medical wellness center, several recreational and entertainment venues, a barber shop/beauty salon, an in-house thrift store, a formal dining facility, (with an in-house chef), a secure computer room, as well as many other healthy amenities. (They even had a venue built in Puerto Rico for the more adventurous elders!)

The star of the show, (in my humble opinion), was first and foremost the “elite” security personnel who responded to every emergency call, regardless of its nature. Security Officers provided the muscle when a fallen resident needed to be safely lifted or supported until paramedics arrived. Security Officers safeguarded the entire 24-acre site via golf cart patrols, canine patrols, bicycle patrols, and covert surveillance.

Security Officers were responsible for seeking out and removing all unauthorized intruders in a massive non-gated facility when posted signage failed to repel such intruders. Some trespassers left willingly, and others were escorted off the grounds to preserve the privacy and safety of the residents. (Many residents were “fall-risk” elders who could easily be toppled over by the mere presence of an unauthorized speeding cyclist or skateboarder taking a shortcut through the huge facility, instead of going around it.) It seemed petty to a teenage offender, to be forced to "walk" back out the way they rode in, but being a 74-year senior now myself, I can no longer sympathize with youngsters who intruded, and argued about their right to cruise through our privately named streets. And besides, it was “my job” to keep them out. (What would you do?)

Being an ex-military, Black Belt martial artist, and former corporate executive provided me with many useful tools suitable for this multifaceted position. With no anger, fear, or communication issues, handling the daily challenges of this important position was a breeze. (Even assisting the County Coroner was somewhat unproblematic, due to having dealt with the untimely demise of my military comrades, in a war zone. It is never easy, however.) 

Armed and canine security posts are both hazardous duties due to the sheer nature of the job, which means you must put your life on the line for others. You are required to both have "heart" and have a heart! You must be a defender of the meek and innocent, and not expect anything in return except a meager paycheck. If this sounds like you; "good luck", and welcome aboard!


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