The “GGG” ride on the fringe of reality and live by a code of ethics that is impossible to match “In Real Life”, (IRL).

Geeks, Goths, and Gamers are my kind of people! The “GGG” ride on the fringe of reality and live by a code of ethics that is impossible to match “In Real Life”, (IRL). If the keyboard of a computer is reality, then “GGG” are definitely “AFK”, (Away From Keyboard)!

It is not wise to attempt to compartmentalize my “GGG” counterparts or slap a label on them that lumps them all into one visually identifiable cadre of cohorts. Each “GGG” is his or her own individual lump of clay, which they mold into what they desire to display to the world, on any given day. My “GGG” spouse, who has her own youth-inspired, self-inflicted markings, tattoos and piercings, conceals her identity behind the persona of a summa cum laude graduate of distinction and honor. (“An intelligent old lady who graduated with honors from a prestigious university, OK?”) However, she is my loving spouse, CMB! Her appearance gives away nothing!

Some members of my ilk are visually flamboyant, highly tattooed, and pierced, with hair colors that challenge a great rainbow in the sky. They want to stand out from the crowd and be noticed for who they are, like a vampire who wants the world to know, “Yep! I bite necks! So what?”

Everyone who wears glasses is not a Geek, nor is everyone sporting a tattoo or piercing of the Gothic persuasion. Biker gang members bear similar markings, but do not exhibit the same mindset of a “GGG”. Bikers come in all flavors too though and cannot all be considered a rowdy bunch of beer-induced trouble-makers, with long hair, short tempers, loud mouths, and big bellies. Generalizations are a prelude to prejudice that civil wars stem from. Remember, we are all first and foremost human beings, (See “ONE PLUS ONE EQUALS THREE”).

But back on topic, I like “GGG” because they are fearless, self-expressive individuals, who are not afraid to be free. The world is full of pent-up, non-imaginative, robots that merely adhere to their pre-programmed A.I. The robots do not question the status quo dictates of what the establishment determines to be normal, instead of becoming creative thinking beings who actually change the world by asking, “What if?” Artists, programmers, builders, and ingenious scientists are the world-shifters. Yes, and some of them are “GGG”. So, when you next encounter a nerdy-looking, freaky-haired, unusual individual, ask yourself, “Is this a world-shifter?” And if you are “GGG”, GG; WP! (Good Game; Well Played!)


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