Clearly, happiness is subjective. It is not a one-size-fits-all state of being. And it is not a constant state of existence.

Really? That is what the happiest man in the world looks like? Where is his big juicy ear-to-ear smile, baring all of his teeth? Where is that gut-busting laugh that sounds like Santa Claus on crack? What happened to the bright eyes, bushy tail, and sky-high eyebrows from all of the unbridled elation that spews forth from his uncontrollable giggles? Can you honestly see any joy whatsoever in this man’s visage? Wouldn’t you like to be this happy?


Clearly, happiness is subjective. It is not a one-size-fits-all state of being. And it is not a constant state of existence. If it were, the entire population of the planet Earth would be wearing fashionable, designer straitjackets! One can take only so much happiness before the tears of joy become the wailing of lunacy!


The brain and nervous system produce painkillers called endorphins, which promote euphoria in the average human being, (not crack heads though, they burn theirs all up)! This chemical reaction is what humans have come to know as “Happiness”, and many seek to pursue its effects to ruin. The old man depicted above is exhibiting his “resting happy face” so as not to promote the wrath of the habitually bitter people he encounters daily. People who are constantly sad, mad or simply do not know what pure joy is, tend to frown upon the wanton display of joy in others. “What are you so doggone happy about?” “Don’t you see how screwed up the world is?” “Wipe that stupid grin off your face!”


Tempered joy and overt happiness is an art form and a survival technique that requires practice in order to “blend in” with the unhappy populace. The guy next to you might have the shiniest new automobile and the biggest house to store all of his worldly possessions, and still not be as happy as the stoic-looking old man depicted above. First of all, one must know what degree or type of happiness to seek out and obtain. Sometimes the tiny victories bring the biggest pleasure. Stacking up a large amount of tiny “wins” takes more time, but tend to be more rewarding: marrying and have a beautiful family with your high school sweetheart may carry more weight than shacking up with 25 of the hottest women in town, to a man who knows himself. The guy with all of the cars and women may have a slightly different definition of happiness, but that is for him to decide.


The bottom line is simple: “Define your own, and pursue your own”! Whatever it is, it must be your own. Do not waste your life coveting someone else’s dreams, possessions or loved ones. At 74 years old, the man depicted above knows that life is too short! He was just a little boy yesterday! Today, however, he is the world’s happiest old man!


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