
My Personal Influencer!

The first article I had ever written in the 80's, sold to an international martial arts magazine. The article was written on an old manual typewriter that poked holes in the paper as I "hen-pecked" my way from start to finish. The article was inspired by two of my BFAMs, one of whom is now a legendary Capoeira Master, and the other who is now a poetic, master pastry chef! I was a super prolific writer in those days, after having majored in Commercial Art and minored in Journalism, ("Thank you, Mr. Adams and Ms. Dixon"). I wrote everything from product descriptions to novelty button slogans. I honed my writing skills by working in a one-man resume-writing office where my commercial art skills allowed me to produce creative resumes for performers, dancers, and other artistic clients. The marriage of writing and art served me well and later included music and songwriting, in my own recording studio, (FHBR Productions). I continued to write articles in local newspap


  Isn’t it a shame that being evil is far easier than being good? Think about it a second. In this country alone, there are over 700 billionaires living as residents in more than 40 states! Yet we have famine, homelessness, and sick children and most of this stems from poverty! (Granted, mental illness and drug use also play a major part in these maladies, but money also fuels a great deal of these issues!) Someone, sitting somewhere at the head of an empire of greed benefits from the plight of the poor, infirmed, and addicted. It always amazed me how so many late-night “infomercials” about cats and dogs supersede the plight of human beings who suffer more. God created creatures to roam the wilds and survive out of doors. The animals that are suffering are doing so because of their entitled human owners. If laws were passed to prosecute and imprison these evil, abusive pet owners instantly upon each and every infraction, more attention could be placed upon humans in the wild, who are


  Did I remember to tell you, “I love you” today? Did I plant 1000 kisses on your lips, cheeks, forehead, neck and shoulders today? Have I been the husband you deserve, all day? Have I kept you in my heart, thoughts and spirit when you briefly left my side? Do I buy you, (or let you buy), the things that make your heart sing the melody that only my heart can hear? Have I been faithful enough for you to brag about me to your family and friends? Do I perform the duties that a good and faithful husband should and must to keep your head from turning side to side, “looking”? Have I made my indelible spousal mark on you so well that other men can see it, sense it, (without looking at your ring finger)? When I do say, “I love you”, do you believe in your heart and soul that my words are true and unequivocally heartfelt? Do you hold me one step below God as I do you? Do you include me in your prayers in hopes of keeping your good and faithful husband by your side for all time? Do I make yo


  My guess is that we are all addicted to air, water, and food, but beyond that, what has an uncontrollable grip on you, and will not let go? Do you know it by name? Is it a noun or a verb, (a person, place, thing, or perhaps an activity)? Is it making you strong or making you weak? Is it extending your life or shortening your existence? These are just a few of the questions you must ask yourself before you indulge in that next sip, snort, dip, or whiff of your chosen poison. Some medical professionals say, “Anything in moderation”! However, there are numerous cases where the indulgence with a chosen poison was a first and last time choice. Meaning it became a fatal choice that defied moderation. Like the young girl who was glued to her cell phone and stepped off the curb in front of a semi-truck before her younger brother could grab her or warn her to stop! Or the young man who had one fateful snort of cocaine that permanently stopped his heart! I am sure you could dig up many fir

W.O.R.K (What One Really Knows)!

  Do you “work” for a living, or survive on what you know how to do best? Some experts call it your “passion” and I would agree to a certain extent. But was it my “Uncle Buttercup’s” passion to haul garbage on his shoulders all of his life? (It did make him inhumanly strong!) Did he truly enjoy the stench of refuse that adhered to his skin and clothing at the end of the day? Uncle Buttercup and my BFAM Lewis were two of the sharpest-dressed men in town! They paid attention to the tiniest detail when they “dressed to impress”! (My Uncle Buttercup used to “borrow” the tailor-made jackets that I brought home from Japan and China.) These two fashion icons had a work history that would shame the average college graduate because they really did “work” for a living! Most of the people who attend institutes of higher learning today are looking for a career that allows them to do little or nothing for everything in return. If you come home from “work” and still smell as good as you did when you


  It goes without saying that love means something different to everyone and in every situation. If I say “I love you” to my children it has a different connotation and magnitude to the same expression voiced to my wife or my BFAMs. There is also the tone and the delivery of those oft-repeated three little words. Moreover, the delivery and tone connote and clarify the intention and purpose of the phrase, and are often accompanied by a physical expression that further speaks to the true meaning of the words. “I love you” and a hug is different than, “I love you” and a kiss, (depending on to whom and where the kiss ends up)! The question is, “How do you love”? Are you a hugger, shaker, kisser, or a groper? (Yep! There are plenty of gropers out there! The misunderstood, “I don’t see anything wrong with it” gropers)! Just so you know groper, that is not love; it is a thing called lust, a different blog for another day! If you are a true hugger, you hug everyone every chance you get.


  The wife and I just watched a celebrity “docu-series” about three pseudo-famous brothers and their bid to re-invigorate their music career; become closer together as brothers, and resolve a myriad of personal issues at home. One brother in particular, the unmarried one, (we will call him “TJ”), seemed to have the most trouble with his significant other. The wife and I empathized with him because of the stoic, nonchalant way his lady friend behaved every day. She seemed distant, unfeeling, and emotionless about everything that went on in the household. She did, however, appear to be a loving mother, but as a life partner, her actions and attitude made her seem less than desirable as a mate. She did not work or have any ambition, and refused to assist her man with any household concerns. After his tour abroad with his brothers, “TJ” decided to end his relationship with his long-time partner, but to his surprise, she wanted more. She admitted that she wanted to be married, (if not to